43 Min. 09 Sec.
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Eli Reed, a renowned photographer, is a very special guest to the show. Paris emphasizes his impressive career and noting a previous show they did together featuring a photo of Tyra Banks and John Singleton. Reed joins the show while in Los Angeles for the Milken conference, where he participated in a panel with other photographers.

Sharing stories from his career, including photographing Tupac Shakur. He recalled meeting Tupac on the set of "Poetic Justice," asking him for a personal portrait, and taking the iconic photo that now hangs in the Smithsonian. Reed also talked about his early life in New Jersey, his move to Texas, and his teaching stint at the University of Texas, where he was invited to speak and subsequently offered a teaching position.

Reed discusses his experience at Magnum Photos, the prestigious photo agency, and how his work in Central America gained attention, leading to his association with Magnum. He emphasized the importance of critique in his work and his desire to understand different perspectives through his photography.

The conversation also touches on societal changes, representation in media, and the impact of Reed's work on the photography world. Reminiscing about his time at the San Francisco Examiner in the late 1970s and early 1980s, describing the vibrant and sometimes chaotic environment. He recalls meeting the legendary photographer Jim Marshall and shares a story about Marshall trying to sell his equipment after his wife left him.Reed mentions his transition from still photography to film, recounting a project he did on gangs in Detroit, which won an award for Best Short Documentary from the Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame. He also talks about a recent assignment in New Orleans for Human Rights Watch, photographing the impact of industrial pollution on African American communities. During this assignment, a colleague was shot at but fortunately not injured.

His work on the film "The Five Heartbeats" where he directed a part involving black and white still images. He also shares an incident where he was hit on the head by another photographer in New York, highlighting the competitiveness and sometimes aggressive nature of the profession.Looking ahead, Reed is working on a new book and planning to make a feature film. He speaks fondly of his teaching experience in Austin and expresses his appreciation for Lauren, who helps him manage his extensive archives. Reed concludes by mentioning some upcoming projects he can't discuss in detail but promises more exciting work in the future.

Episode Timestamps

(00:00:00) Intro
(00:01:10) Milken Conference
(00:02:48) Tupac Photo Story
(00:07:50) Tough New Jersey Neighborhood
(00:09:34) Janet Jackson Story
(00:12:52) Moving to Texas
(00:16:15) San Fran Examiner Work
(00:19:05) Getting Recognized For Your Work
(00:22:50) PhotoJournalism in South America
(00:27:13) Most Important Work in Photography
(00:29:34) Bucket List & New Work
(00:34:27) Another Book, Austin, & Assistants
(00:38:34) How did you meet Bruce?
(00:41:52) Outro

Links to Eli Reed

  • Link to Eli Reed's Website
  • Link to Eli Reed's Twitter
  • Link to Eli Reed's Magnum Photos Profile - Link
  • Link to the Photo Society's Eli Reed Profile - Link

Links to Mentions In The Show

  • "Eli Reed's Formative Years" via Magnum Photos - Link
  • The Tupac Photo - Smithsonian Institute - Link
  • University of Texas - School of Journalism and Media - Link

🎵 Music by Andrew Raiher

📸 Shot & Edited at Visible Audio Studios

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