29 Min. 06 Sec.
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Paris Chong sits down with artist Melanie Pullen, who recently exhibited at William Turner Gallery in Santa Monica. Melanie prefers smaller, more authentic galleries and finds that the evolving LA art scene is becoming less personable. She discusses her art career, which has involved performance art, motion picture directing, and photography.  Her upcoming series represents the culmination of her artistic journey.

Melanie shares her crazy story about being kicked out of Mexico for taking a photo of a dangerous drug dealer. As a single mother, she now has to balance her passion for photography with safety concerns.

Our interview concludes with a discussion of the challenges women face in the art world, as Melanie offers her advice for aspiring female photographers. Both Paris and Melanie are single mothers and relate to the struggle of balancing motherhood with their careers.

Episode Timestamps

(00:00:00) Intro
(00:00:41) Melanie's Shows
(00:02:37) Art Market
(00:05:30) The First Presidential Debate 24'
(00:07:08) New Studio / Good Luck
(00:08:50) New Work
(00:10:11) Getting Kicked Out of Mexico
(00:16:45) Risking Your Life For The Shot
(00:19:07) Trying To Top Your Old Work
(00:21:44) Advice For Young Women
(00:25:10) Luck & Minotti
(00:26:21) Favorite TV Shows Right Now
(00:27:06) What's Next? / Outro

Links to Melanie Pullen

Links to Mentions In The Show

🎵 Music by Andrew Raiher

📸 Shot & Edited at Visible Audio Studios

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