35 Min. 58 Sec.
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Peter Fetterman, a renowned art dealer and photographer, joins Paris to discuss his passion for photography, his journey in the art world, and his thoughts on the evolving landscape of photography. They delve into topics such as his recent acquisitions, the significance of great talent in photography, his admiration for photographers like Sally Mann and Julia Margaret Cameron, and his belief that work should bring richness and fulfillment.

Peter Fetterman's infectious enthusiasm for photography shines through as he speaks about his experiences, his love for his craft, and his commitment to promoting photography to the world.

Episode Timestamps

(00:00:00) Intro
(00:00:45) You Got The Memo
(00:05:34) Starting the Gallery
(00:09:46) Art Sales and Photography
(00:15:18) Ambassadors of Taste
(00:19:01) Art Fairs
(00:21:22) Lets Talk About The Book
(00:25:46) Do You Take Photos?
(00:26:57) What's Next?
(00:30:00) Anyone You Want To Work With?
(00:32:53) 2nd Peter Fetterman Gallery
(00:33:44) Favorite City
(00:34:32) Outro

Links to Peter Fetterman

Links to Mentions In The Show

  • “The Only Flowers of Her Youth” - Roman Vishniac - Link
  • Henri Cartier-Bresson - Link
  • Annenberg Profile - Link
  • Photographer Mag Profile - Link

🎵 Music by Andrew Raiher

📸 Shot & Edited at Visible Audio Studios

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